Posted in Divination and Charms, Spirituality and Beliefs, Tarot

What’s the Difference Between Tarot and Oracle Cards?

What’s the Difference Between Tarot and Oracle Cards?

Tarot vs Oracle vs Angel Cards

Is there a difference between oracle cards and tarot cards, and what about angel cards? Tarot and oracle cards are widely used for spiritual guidance in divination. Both can be used as tools for contemplation and insight, but what sets them apart? Divination has been utilised for centuries to gain insight into personal matters and help make decisions.

While they are similar on the surface, they differ in structure and purpose. Let’s explore the distinct characteristics of tarot and oracle cards and even angel decks. What are their uses, and key functions?

What Are Tarot Cards Used For?

What are tarot cards and how are they used? Tarot cards are a specific type of divination tool that originated in the mid-1800s. The basis of most modern tarot is the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck which is around a century old. It consists of 78 cards and is divided into two main groups: the Major and Minor Arcana.

What's the Difference Between Tarot and Oracle Cards?The Major Arcana comprises 22 cards representing traditional archetypes and momentous life events. With the Minor Arcana, there are a total of 56 cards divided into four suits. Each suit represents various aspects and elements. Wands (fire, creativity, and passion), Cups (water, emotions, and intuition), Swords (air, mental activities, and the unknown), and Pentacles (earth, grounding, and security).

Tarot readings involve shuffling the deck, cutting the pile, drawing cards, and then arranging them in a spread such as the Celtic Cross. Each card’s meaning and position within the spread provides guidance in interpreting the message presented. Tarot readings can address a wide range of topics such as relationships, career, spirituality, and personal growth.

What Are Oracle Cards Used For?

What is an oracle card reading and how can one use them? An oracle deck is flexible in nature and can take on many forms as designed by creators, each with varying themes and imagery. Oracle cards encompass a broader spectrum of messages, themes, and subjects. When compared to tarot cards, oracle cards are a more recent discipline. In some respects, they have been created as a companion to the tarot.

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Each oracle deck is unique and does not adhere to a specific structure or number of cards. Oracle cards are versatile and offer inspiration. They serve as a means of receiving intuitive guidance and facilitate self-reflection.

Depending on the deck, oracle cards can off insight into relationships, healing, spiritual growth, and creativity. Their messages are open to interpretation, providing insight and encouragement when facing life’s challenges. Oracle cards appeal to those who appreciate the artistry of a more intuitive route to divination.

What Are Angel Cards Used For?

Angel cards are a specific subset of oracle cards with a distinct angelic theme. As the name suggests, they focus on angelic guidance and messages. Often associated with the belief that angels are divine messengers and speak through the cards. They are sought out by individuals with a strong affinity for angels. Accordingly, angel decks classically feature angelic imagery, carry messages of love and guidance, and offer advice on spiritual matters.

An angel card reading allows individuals to connect with angelic energy and seek guidance. The card reader seeks comfort and reassurance through the angelic presence and assistance. They help the seeker foster a deeper connection with the angelic realm.

Similar to tarot and oracle readings, angel card readings, involve drawing cards and interpreting their messages. A simple 3-card angel reading spread is widely used. There is no fixed way to use them, and some people even place them in a Celtic Cross tarot spread.

A Tarot Reading vs an Oracle Reading

When it comes to performing a reading, the key differences lie in the structure, symbolism, and purpose of the cards. In other words, select the deck or system most likely to deliver the message needed. Each deck lends itself to different types of questions.

Tarot vs Oracle vs Angel CardsTarot cards follow a structured system with rich symbolism, which facilitate detailed and elaborate readings. With a fixed number of cards and specific meanings, it makes an answer easier to interpret. Oracle cards offer more flexibility, allowing for a broader range of themes and interpretations. Oracle readings tend to be more intuitive, requiring a deeper connection with the universe in order to understand the channeled message.

With oracle and angel cards, it’s easier to interpret a single card than a random tarot card. You could even pull an oracle instead of a tarot card of the day. Be brave and replace some of the cards in a 5-card tarot spread with oracle and angel cards.

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In Summary

It’s generally recommended to use tarot cards for beginners to avoid frustration. The Rider Waite tarot deck may not be the most modern, but it is well known and understood. As we develop skill and intuition, we can begin venturing into other types of divination decks such as the Thoth tarot deck, Lenormand cards, and even standard playing cards, which is how cartomancy first began in the 1300s.

Both tarot and oracle cards can be powerful tools for self-reflection. Whether it’s a tarot card reading online, or a weekly tarot reading spread at home, progress at your own pace. Select the system, deck, and spread that appeals to you. A divination deck should be embraced as being more than merely fortune-telling cards. As it is said, “Let it speak to you,” rather than trying to force the spiritual process.


Jo Roderick was born in 1969 and is believed to be human — although, there is no conclusive evidence! He proceeded to interpret and analyse the world around him, but never quite grew up. He was told at an early age he could not write so he did anyway. He claims that he can follow the plot of your average dictionary but further admits that he does have an odd sense of humour. He is an architect, amongst other things, and currently resides in Mexico.

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