Posted in Reincarnation and Afterlife, Spirituality and Beliefs

What is Reincarnation?

What is Reincarnation?

What Happens When You Die?

The question, of what is reincarnation, often leads to the topic of what happens when you die. Reincarnation can be seen as the period between physical death, and the soul being reborn into a new body, possibly experiencing multiple lifetimes in this fashion. Records of this phenomenon can be found in various cultures and religions across the world, each with its unique interpretation of death and the afterlife.

By exploring concepts such as reincarnation, rebirth, and the afterlife, individuals gain a broader perspective on our existence. It helps alleviate fears and inspire a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all life.

Will I Reincarnate Again?

What is Reincarnation?Will I reincarnate after death? Will I be reincarnated as a human or as an animal? Will I be reincarnated again in another world? These are fascinating questions that puzzle many seekers of spiritual wisdom. It is generally accepted that reincarnation is the cycle of birth and death, continuing until the soul reaches a certain state of enlightenment or liberation.

At that point, reincarnation becomes the soul’s choice. There is greater awareness of the infinite nature of our spiritual matrix. The exact nature and circumstances of the next incarnation are known to the soul, and many factors influence the path we follow. What is important to us is how we navigate this current life.

Is There an Afterlife?

The concept of an afterlife is firmly ingrained in most cultures, religions, and spiritualism. Some religions offer vivid descriptions of the afterlife, often putting the believer’s mind at rest or in a state of fear.

Therefore, the afterlife is often seen as a continuation of our soul’s journey and not the end. It is a realm where the soul resides after exiting the physical body. I explain the spiritual domain as a matrix that supports life. It is the very energy that the soul is made of and sustains its existence. This physical reality is an element of the spiritual matrix.

The Difference between Rebirth and Reincarnation

What is the difference between rebirth and reincarnation? Are they different concepts? Although the terms rebirth and reincarnation may appear interchangeable, they are distinctly different in a spiritual context.

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Rebirth often refers to the continuity of life in various forms, without necessarily preserving personal identity. It can, but it’s not required. Reincarnation refers to the soul’s transmigration upon death, acquiring a new physical body, and retaining its individuality and identity. Reincarnation is a continuous journey of the soul whereas rebirth is a cyclic nature of existence. Without soul evolution, one is repeatedly reborn until there is growth.

What Happens in the Afterlife?

What happens in the afterlife holds endless fascination for us. Following the rule that energy cannot be created or destroyed, something has to come after life. In that light, the afterlife is a place where our souls reflect, undergo spiritual growth, and prepare for the next phase of existence. Not all souls choose to reincarnate.

Some faiths envision paradise or heaven for those most deserving, while others hint that this is where souls face the consequences of their actions. The truth is both and neither. The afterlife is really not an afterlife, but rather a continuation of life itself. It can be likened to water with its three different states of being. It’s always water, just in a different state.

What Happens Directly After Death?

What comes first after death? It is a place to regain our soul’s full consciousness. Some souls are met by their spirit guides who assist in the process, offering guidance and support when needed. The Bardo is the first stop that souls go through. It’s a place to regroup, remember, and meet loved ones, even soul mates. Think of it as a life review, where you assess your recent actions and experiences.

For more evolved souls, the Bardo is familiar, and they simply pass through on route to their destination. In other words, they know there is more than just the lower levels of the Bardo. Lesser evolved souls arrive in the Bardo, and assume that is all there is. They are often reborn to repeat the same lessons.

How Can I Stop Death Anxiety?

What Happens When You Die?Death anxiety and fear of our mortality is a common experience. Exploring and broadening our spiritual beliefs and practices can alleviate this anxiety. Meditation, research, or even just connecting with like-minded individuals will offer some comfort.

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Those who embrace the interconnectedness of life and focus on living, lead a far more meaningful life, thus reducing the fear and anxiety surrounding death. In other words, focus on living and not dying. This is how to stop worrying about death and begin living.

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death

Mostly, it is the fear of what is perceived as unknown, but the soul knows. It knows full well that life and death are not a final destination, but it’s merely a change of scenery. Don’t allow yourself to be paralysed by apeirophobia, the fear of the unknown.

Understanding that death is an intrinsic part of the natural cycle and there is no life without death will help mitigate this fear. Once death is seen as a transition, it ceases to scare us, and instead, inspires a deeper appreciation for the present moment.

Look at it this way: death is inevitable. Whether you worry about it or not, it will still happen. This acknowledgment helps us remember that we are living … right now. By embracing this, one cultivates a greater sense of gratitude and purpose in life.

Similarly, don’t concern yourself too much with past lives or future reincarnations. Those are experiences for other exciting times. The soul remembers them and lets go of the fear of forgetting everything. You can’t take it with you, but you can take your experiences of it all with you. Focus on the experience, not the destination.


Jo Roderick was born in 1969 and is believed to be human — although, there is no conclusive evidence! He proceeded to interpret and analyse the world around him, but never quite grew up. He was told at an early age he could not write so he did anyway. He claims that he can follow the plot of your average dictionary but further admits that he does have an odd sense of humour. He is an architect, amongst other things, and currently resides in Mexico.

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