Posted in Spirituality and Beliefs, Tarot

The Fives: Crisis and Transformation

The Fives: Crisis and Transformation

What Do Fives Mean in Tarot?

This week I have seen the Fives coming by in my own and other people’s readings a lot more than usual. The conversations I am a part of and overhear have matched up with this theme lately as well. So I thought it would be interesting to dive a little deeper into the meaning of the number Five and what that looks like when you combine it with the different elements in Tarot. This is a reflection of my associations with each card and therefore it may not line up with what you have learned and isn’t a guide to the full meaning of the cards.

In the Tarot, each suit represents a different element: wands are fire representing actions, swords are air representing thoughts, cups are water representing emotions, and pentacles are earth representing materials. Combine that with the meaning of the number 5 and you can come to a basic understanding of what the cards represent. The number 5, around the middle of each suit, is about the moment of crisis that leads to transformation. It represents hardships, struggles, pain, and loneliness.

5 of WandsFive of Wands: Competition. When the element fire is combined with the number five, we combine difficulties with actions in the world to get competition. This represents the intense battle with rivals or colleagues, where there can only be one winner, but also the playful struggle between children trying to prove themselves the strongest. This represents the actions you are taking to attack or defend yourself during this struggle and denotes a period with a lot of activity in your life. There is often a sense of chaos or hectic movement in the imagery chosen in different Tarot decks. It reminds me of the cycle of action and reaction we find ourselves in at times with either another person or an organization. Do you let this competition get the best of you or do you harness the energy to fuel your own fire?

5 of SwordsFive of Swords: Defeat. Focusing now on the moment of crisis represented by the element of air, we turn to what our thoughts look like at this time. Here we either let go or are forced to let go of something in defeat. There are other cards to represent the feeling of losing something, but this is about how we think when we feel like we are the loser. How do you talk to yourself when you don’t achieve that goal? What do you tell yourself when it is time to let go of something that isn’t good for you anymore? Instead of hanging your head in shame and telling yourself that you can never win, take the opportunity to learn why you weren’t ready for the challenge.

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5 of CupsFive of Cups: Hopelessness. When the struggle enters the element of water, our feelings give way to hopelessness. You mourn for what you cannot have and what cannot be. This is the moment the light has faded and we think that we can never win, that we will never be good enough, or that we will never be hugged again. This card often has two of the cups still full but hidden from the view of the subject. These cups represent the good things that still exist. If you can appreciate what you do have then you take the first steps to getting out of the trap that is hopelessness. Once you recognize there are one or two good things you cannot tell yourself that ALL of it is bad anymore and that, my friends, is the beginning of feeling hopeful again.

5 of PentaclesFive of Pentacles: Desolation. Often represented by a beggar in the snow, material hardship comes with the element of earth. Think of the physical aftermath of a natural disaster, this is a card about things in the physical world. Whether you have lost money, a relationship, or stability in your home, that feeling of desolation and emptiness tears away your foundations and forces you to completely rebuild. Uncertainty and self-doubt can plague you during this time. There is pressure to be hyper-independent in the modern era and we feel shame when we need to ask for material help from those around us. Often glaringly obvious in the background, is a church or other symbol of community service. Part of the cycle of life is helping those when we are up and receiving help when we are down. We will ask for help with actions, or words, or feelings, but shut down when it comes to things. Are you too proud to ask for help when you need it? Do you help those that you are able to when you are at your peak?

When you go through these periods, it is essential to respect your feelings. Cry to the sad songs and scream into a pillow when the pain feels like it will tear you apart. Vent to a friend about the person making your life harder and, most importantly, ask for help when you need it. The reasons you feel sadness, pain, and anger are valid. This can be a very difficult period if you don’t have a proper support system around you. Reaching out to someone can help bring new perspectives, but know that you are not alone, the internet has taught me that there is always someone else that has done the thing or felt the feeling. Once the storm clears and the pain begins to fade, you pick up the pieces, with a little more wisdom and a little more compassion making you a little bit stronger and a little more capable of helping those around you. It’s a cycle we experience many times in our lives at different intensities and it is important to respect others when they are going through these periods as well as respect ourselves when we go through periods. Give yourself the time to heal – whether that is five minutes or five years. Respect the cycles of life and they will flow more naturally through your life. In what ways do you connect with your emotions? How do you choose to process and release what you are feeling?

One thought on “The Fives: Crisis and Transformation

  1. Absolutely! All the bad times are there for is to grow, and appreciate the good times when they arrive. I love balance, but I prefer uneven numbers oddly enough. I think it is because the number doesn’t allow you to sit on a fence.

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