Posted in Economy and Trade

What is the Black Market?

What is the Black Market?

The Black Market vs Grey Market

What is the black market? For that matter, what is a grey market, or even a white market? In terms of commerce, ‘black market’ often suggests illegal transactions, or a dodgy underground movement. However, what exactly is the black market, and how does it differ from a grey or …

Posted in Life and Style

Social Fatigue

Social Fatigue

One morning I was talking to one of my closest friends about how hard it is to muster the energy to socialize solely for me. By the time I get some free time, I want nothing to do with people. It’s not that I don’t like people, in fact, nothing fills my cup more than talking with or …

Posted in Life and Style



After my son was born in 2015, I spent 3 years struggling with postpartum depression. During that time, I spent a lot of time looking into philosophy and spirituality. I was searching for something to soothe my weary and battered soul, but I was also looking for answers. The things that I knew to be certain were crumbling or …