Posted in Divination and Charms, Tarot

Numerology and Other Common Symbolism in Tarot Cards

Numerology and Other Common Symbolism in Tarot Cards

Astrology and Tarot

Tarot cards, rich in symbolism, have elements of numerology, and connections to astrology. Looking past the simple mystical allure of the cards, there is an interconnectedness with tarot, numerology, and astrology. Combined, they give us additional meanings beyond the obvious. Numerology and other common symbolism in tarot cards play an important role in tarot.

Let’s embark on a spiritual safari and dig a little deeper. Within the intricate artwork of traditional tarot cards, one discovers an entire web of symbolism. It will help use to read the tarot more holistically, and not as separate and fixed cards. The numbers on the Rider Waite tarot deck are more than a way to keep track of the cards.

How are Numerology and Tarot Related?

Numerology and Other Common Symbolism in Tarot CardsThe ancient practice of numerology assigns mystical significance to numbers, and hereby finds a natural partner in tarot. The Rider Waite Smith tarot deck is divided into the Major and Minor Arcana, and each card was given a number, beginning with the Fool with a value of zero.

These numerical designations are not as arbitrary as some might think. They are keys to deeper meanings, adding layers of information to spiritual readings. In tarot numerology, our exploration commences with the Major Arcana, which is seen as a complete circle of life. It starts with The Fool, and ends with The World. In many respects, it represents our very lives. We begin our path as an innocent fool and traverse all the way to becoming worldly and knowledgeable.

With the Minor Arcana, each card represents a number from one to ten in each suit. The Ace, embodies the typical energy of new beginnings and a raw potential for the future. As the numbers progress, so do the meanings. For example, a two signifies partnerships and dualism. At the end of the cycle, we have the tens. There is a sense of completion here, the end of a situation, or exiting comfort zone — perhaps it even hints at the beginning of a new one.

What does Astrology Have to do with Tarot Cards?

This spiritual connection goes beyond mere coincidence or whimsy. Each tarot card is associated with specific zodiac signs, planets, and even astrological houses. In this way, the tarot merges divination with astrology in a more purposeful manner. Some believe that it also shaped the imagery we have become familiar with in a traditional tarot deck.

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So, what does tarot mean in astrology? It can be seen as a reflection of the celestial energies at play in our universe. The Moon card is often associated with the zodiac sign Pisces and is perceived as intuitive and dream-like in nature. The Sun card shines with a vibrant energy of vitality, and well-being.

The four suits of the Minor Arcana are also astrologically linked. Wands represent fire and our passion. The Cups signify water and thereby the depth of emotions. Swords are the very air that fuels the intellect. Pentacles provide a grounding earth, and a material stability. When doing a tarot card reading, these elemental energies will infuse new meaning into the message. Each suit and number creates a new combined message. It’s a magical weave of interconnected divination when one sees it a fuller context.

Tarot Birth and Soul Cards

Astrology and TarotThe merging of astrological guidance with the tarot has seen the cards become representative of our lives, soul urges, and life paths. From here is born the concept of a ‘birth’, ‘soul’, and even a ‘shadow’ card. These can help us understand and embrace our challenges with each reincarnation of the soul.

The birth card essentially describes our overall core and life path. The soul card helps us to identify and further understand our soul’s desires for this life. The shadow card highlights our most challenging aspects as we progress.

How Do I Find Out My Tarot Numbers?

Calculating these cards is relatively simple, but it can vary depending on the source of information you select. I would advise researching different methods, and decide which one resonates with you the most. Some techniques result in multiple cards that can be read collectively. I would encourage this as the cards are a language. Think of it this way: each card is a word, and together they form sentences, or more in-depth concepts.

How Do I Calculate My Shadow Card?

In addition to the other tarot cards, we can explore the concept of our ‘shadow card’. It represents the hidden, or even known aspects of your personality that you need to address to encourage personal growth.

Calculating your shadow card is a similar process to finding your tarot birth card, but with a little further calculation depending on the method you choose. The shadow card can assist many people resolves past life ‘hangovers’, or just current life challenges.

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Tarot Card Colours

One can extend the interpretation of tarot cards by colours. For example, we can link the predominant colour on the card to the different chakras. It can indicate where some further work or reflection is needed.

In Summary

Astrology adds a cosmic level of significance, and numerology provides a more logical layer of understanding of the tarot. Together, they provide a wealth of insight into the answers we seek. It’s a never-ending journey of self-discovery, illumination, and transformation.

It must be said that the tarot is interpreted and intuited by the individual. Some of the conventions are established, but your intuition isn’t, so read the tarot in a way that resonates to you on a personal level. Let the sacred dance of numbers touch your spiritual readings.

Further Reading


Jo Roderick was born in 1969 and is believed to be human — although, there is no conclusive evidence! He proceeded to interpret and analyse the world around him, but never quite grew up. He was told at an early age he could not write so he did anyway. He claims that he can follow the plot of your average dictionary but further admits that he does have an odd sense of humour. He is an architect, amongst other things, and currently resides in Mexico.

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