Posted in Life and Style



After my son was born in 2015, I spent 3 years struggling with postpartum depression. During that time, I spent a lot of time looking into philosophy and spirituality. I was searching for something to soothe my weary and battered soul, but I was also looking for answers. The things that I knew to be certain were crumbling or had already fallen and I needed to find a way to make sense of the world. I deepened my personal tarot practice, began to organize my personal belief system and attempted to share this journey. While I continued my personal practice, the environment I was in didn’t allow me to fully express myself and I entered a long hermit period.

While it can be discouraging to know that I started this journey many years ago, I am also a bit relieved that I didn’t have to deal publicly with a divorce. During those four years, I spent my energy trying to pick myself up and repair my marriage. After a lot of brainstorming, I decided to share my experiences in the hope that it will help someone keep taking those baby steps every day. I brainwashed myself in to self-love, trusting that I can handle anything that life throws at me. Life might knock me down and throw me off a cliff, but after a good cry or two, I will get up and continue on. As an example of this resilience, I continued my previous project from where I left off, instead of scrapping the work I already had out of shame.

In this place I want to honor the joy and sorrow of life, while sharing with you things that inspire me to do better or be more creative. I strive to be a positive, healing energy in this chaotic world. Hopefully, I can bring a new perspective to your life, offer support on your current path, or inspire you to take action in your community. This is a place of exploration and discovery, not absolutes, so feel free to take what inspires you, discuss what confuses you, and challenge my assumptions.

I am not perfect and I don’t have everything figured out, but I have a lot of useful experiences throughout my life. For a long time, I avoided any kind of attention because I couldn’t handle the feedback, whether it was positive or negative. As I get older and experience more of life, I realize that tension and excitement, the give and take of relationships, is necessary to keep moving forward. The wheel turns, sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down, but we always have the ability to keep moving forward, to make things better, and to celebrate the little bits of awesome in the world. Follow along and discover this path with me.

You may also want to read:  Can Science and Spirituality Coexist?

2 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. Lovely read! Can’t wait to hear more.
    I really like the look of your website and your name and slogan! Definitely the right place for me!❤️

  2. There is a great idea. I looking forward to this community. I think it’s time the tarot, cartomancy, and spiritual community had a place to call home.

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