Posted in Reincarnation and Afterlife, Spirituality and Beliefs

Death and the Afterlife

Death and the Afterlife

What happens after you die?

What is death, and the afterlife, and what happens after you die, are perplexing questions in many people’s minds. The questions might vary, but the truth remains the same. Some answers come in the form of philosophy, while others under the guise of religion, and even science as weighed in on the soul.

The reason why we have many different answers is simpler than you might imagine. This is my attempt to convey what cannot be explained to the mind of man. Forgive me if it doesn’t all make sense or seems illogical. There is no language to describe what has no need of words in order to be understood by the soul.

What Exactly Happens After You Die?

When someone is dying, what do they see? What do they feel? Many reports of near-death experiences often describe the proverbial tunnel of light. While there is no doubt that people do experience this, it’s important to note that this is what humans are conditioned to expect. In some respects, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Death and the AfterlifeSome have a feeling of peacefulness, and yet others have encounters with the dearly departed. While these descriptions are all valid, they do not always provide an accurate view into the infinite we call the spiritual matrix. Science has yet to offer any satisfactory answers either.

On a physical level, dying involves the shutting down of bodily functions. The body simply stops running, there is no blood flowing, and decay sets in. The lack of oxygen sends the brain into unconsciousness. However, this only explains how the machine ceases to function.

Does dying feel like going to sleep? During the departure of the soul and ego from the body, it is possible that there is a lapse of consciousness merely to circumvent the panic and trauma of literally dying. Therefore, this is a valid experience.

Are you conscious after death?

Does your consciousness die when you die? This question is perhaps the most frightening to most people. Will I cease to exist? Is this it? Will I experience pain? Fortunately, these answers are easily given with a logical scientific approach.

The first point to note here is that of we do cease to exist, there cannot be any pain. Physical pain requires a physical body. Without consciousness, there can be no awareness. On this basic level, let go of these fears. Pain is linked to the physical body you inhabit. Can you see why this fear is irrational?

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As we well know, the physical body does not live without the anima that drives it. Once again, driving home the point with logic, without the anima, life is not possible. Life itself is not created at birth and destroyed on the deathbed. This anima is what animates the flesh. It exists before creation, and after. Simply put: reincarnation.

Where Will We Go After Death?

What happens after death? Can you die in the afterlife? No, because the soul is part of infinity. Can a person live again after death? The short answer is yes, because the anima is infinite, and we call it the soul. The soul is the energy, and energy is not created or destroyed. It merely transitions and transforms. Without the soul present in a corporeal body, it is what we call soulless. In a spiritual sense, this is an illogical concept dreamt up by Hollyweird.

The question is less of where will we go after death, but rather what state do souls live in? What and who are you without your avatar? The answer to this is who you truly are as a personality, as your unique anima in the spiritual matrix. The best explanation is to state that the soul is free from the confines of the body and can travel anywhere, be anywhere, and be anything it desires. This is the true manifestation we talk about while incarnate as what we call human beings.

In this light, reincarnation tells us that death is not the end but rather a transition to another state of existence. There is nothing abrupt about this transition because the soul knows the process and has done it before. For some, they have reincarnated many times. It’s just another day at the office … at the end of the day.

What is the Afterlife?

What is the afterlife, and how does it work? The afterlife is not really an after life, but rather a continuation of life. The term is confusing as it insists that there is a finality, but this is erroneous. As mentioned, it is a transition, much as water evaporates into steam with heat, and cools down to a solid with the cold. These are the many states of the soul, but it is still the same soul.

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What happens after you die?The truth is that there is no proper way to describe what an afterlife is, as it is subjective. Just as life incarnate is driven by the soul, so is existence sans the body. This experience is unique to each soul. It’s your creation; your universe.

Those that are religious believe that their god is in charge of it all. The god creates the heavens and the hells. If this is what your soul chooses to believe, even after transitioning, this is what you shall experience. It can take many reincarnations before some souls lose the attachment to human ritual such as religion.

What Happens in the Afterlife?

This is an easy answer: anything your little soul desires. Happiness, misery, dogma, or simple freedom in the truth. This is the state of true manifestation and ultimate experience. Some decide to sleep for an eon after a rough life on earth.

Others replicate their lives from earth in the matrix. The difference is that once you understand this, you are awake in the dream. Most go through their lives in a dreamlike state. It’s not a bad thing. The experience is only possible if one is fully emmersed into the 3D reality we call life.

Some Final Thoughts

Perhaps the answers you wanted were not given here, but this remains the truth regardless. Whether incarnate or in spirit form, the drive for our souls is to evolve, learn, and understand more fully. With death and the afterlife, the point of life right now is to experience.

I know, it sounds simplistic, but that is why we are incarnate. There are feelings and experiences, and even surprises that no longer astonish the soul. Life is a deliberate amnesia in order to experience everything anew. The only tragedy is a life not lived. Fear not and be brave. You have nothing to lose but not experiencing a precious memory.


Jo Roderick was born in 1969 and is believed to be human — although, there is no conclusive evidence! He proceeded to interpret and analyse the world around him, but never quite grew up. He was told at an early age he could not write so he did anyway. He claims that he can follow the plot of your average dictionary but further admits that he does have an odd sense of humour. He is an architect, amongst other things, and currently resides in Mexico.

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