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Can You Love Someone Who Is Broken?

Can You Love Someone Who Is Broken?

Can You Fall in Love With a Broken Heart?

Perhaps the more pertinent question is not, can you love someone who is broken, but rather, should you. We all know the saying that just because you can do something it doesn’t mean you should. Let’s look at the why and why nots of this complex question.

The emotion of love is not often logical or something we understand when in the middle of the situation. Relationships are a myriad of challenges at the best of times, and one of the most profound questions that arise is whether it’s advisable to love someone who is broken. While love knows no boundaries, can love truly flourish on the ragged edges of a broken heart?

Can I Love a Broken Person?

Loving someone who is broken hearted takes plenty of compassion and patience. Everyone carries some degree of brokenness within them, but these people are still dealing with the aftermath. It is not your place to ‘fix’ or ‘change’ the person. Your role is to offer support and love as the person heals.

Can You Fall In Love With A Broken Heart?Can you love a broken person? Of course you can, but it comes with risks. Will the person be able to return your affections over time? Will it become a relationship of unhealthy dependence and turn into a trap? Will it be worth it in the end? Only you can decide if it’s worth the investment?

So, can you love someone who is broken? A broken person is not without the capacity to love, but it may need time and resilience before love is more than dependence on kindness. Anyone can recover, but not everyone wants to. Some become stuck in the situationship.

Can a Broken Person Love?

The capacity to love is not destroyed by a person’s ‘brokenness’. Those who undergo great pain and experience tremendous emotional wounds often go on to develop a deeper ability to love anew. A person’s way of loving is shaped by preceding scars they have collected.

Love has the power to heal, and transform, but it takes time. How long depends on the individual, and the desire for healing. You cannot heal someone else’s broken heart. The person must do this for him- or herself, or it remains buried, but unchanged.

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Can You Fall in Love When Heartbroken?

We can fall in love at any time, and for many, it’s more likely to happen while they are still heartbroken. This is usually a recipe for disaster. It’s more of a ‘falling in love with love itself’, instead of the person. The relationship becomes a surrogate for the love that has been lost.

Can You Fall in Love With a Broken Heart?Our hearts are remarkably resilient, and have the ability to mend over time, but it does take time, and how long is anyone’s guess. A new love can emerge from the ravages of an emotional labyrinth, and sometimes when we least expect it, but we must be honest with ourselves. Are we in love or simply latching on to someone new in order to suppress the feelings of heartbreak? Any scars left by a previous love will cast shadows over the new, and it may take introspection, and self-healing in order to be truly ready.

Can You Fall in Love Right After a Breakup?

A breakup is usually tumultuous, especially when there are strong feelings still in place. They can range anywhere from grief to relief. It takes time to grieve for a love lost, and it’s best dealt with before moving on to the next. Ideally, once wishes to be ready for love and all the joys it brings.

However, there is no right or  wrong. The idea of falling in love again so quickly may appear reckless, but to not fall in love is equally foolish. It’s not always about timing, but rather a meeting of souls. In certain cases, a new love is the quickest way to recover from heartbreak. Be aware of your emotional readiness and that love may come around again when least expected.

Can You Love Someone Who Broke Your Heart?

One of the prickliest questions is whether you can still love someone who broke your heart. Heartbreak or betrayal can be overwhelming. Naturally, it breeds a mood of doubt, mistrust, and even resentment. Our emotions don’t always adhere to the pure logic of intellect.

It’s possible to love someone even after the person caused you incredible heartache. The key lies in the transformative power of forgiveness. Pure love doesn’t have to die. Having said that, you can love someone from afar. Just because you love someone, it doesn’t mean you have to be with the person, or even in his or her life.

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We can fall in love at any time with anyone, but be honest with yourself: are you in it due to desperation, or genuine feelings?


Jo Roderick was born in 1969 and is believed to be human — although, there is no conclusive evidence! He proceeded to interpret and analyse the world around him, but never quite grew up. He was told at an early age he could not write so he did anyway. He claims that he can follow the plot of your average dictionary but further admits that he does have an odd sense of humour. He is an architect, amongst other things, and currently resides in Mexico.

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