Posted in Science and Technology, Spirituality and Beliefs

Can Science and Spirituality Coexist?

Can Science and Spirituality Coexist?

Science vs Spirituality

For ages, people have seen science and spirituality as separate, even conflicting fields of study. In what appears to be the polar opposite of spiritism, science is thought to rely on empirical evidence, rigorous experimentation, and objective analysis in order to decipher the workings of our natural world. On the other hand, spirituality probes into the intriguing mysteries of existence, producing doctrines that may transcend the confines of pragmatic proof.

Despite these seeming incongruences, a compelling thought prevails: Can science and spirituality coexist harmoniously? Are they mutually exclusive, or do they complement each other?

What is the Difference between Science and Spirituality?

Can Science and Spirituality Coexist?Before examining the potential coexistence of science and spirituality, it’s important to first discern their fundamental differences. Science utilises a systematic approach to observing the natural world. It analyses experimentation, and compiles data to further develop theories and even laws. These help to explain various measurable phenomena. It concerns itself with the quantifiable aspects of this reality.

On the contrary, spirituality concerns itself with what is said to be intangible. It explores concepts related to the purpose of life, the essence of consciousness, and a model of a higher power or universal energy. Spirituality is often said to be a personal experience, and therefore, a set of beliefs and values that are not always subject to scientific study.

Does Science and Spirituality Go Hand in Hand?

While it might appear that science and spirituality are on opposite ends of the scale, they are not mutually exclusive. The notion that science and spirituality can complement each other is not a new concept.  In fact, many renowned scientists throughout history, such as Albert Einstein and Carl Sagan, have spoken about the interconnectedness of science and spirituality.

Both disciplines have one thing in common: they both aspire to unravel the mysteries of the universe. They simply do so through different approaches and methodology. Science strives to understand the logic of things, while spirituality seeks further enlightenment into the existential ‘why’, and the deeper, richer meaning behind existence.

How do Science and Spirituality Complement Each Other?

At the fundamental core, science and spirituality share a common objective: to decipher the underlying truth. Where science focuses on the external, spirituality explores the internal aspects of the human experience, and what it means to be incarnate. Therefore, the crossing point of science and spirituality lies in the realm of consciousness and interconnectedness.

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Science has recently made significant advances in understanding the physical aspects of the brain, and how it relates to consciousness. In a similar fashion, spirituality attempts to explain the concept of interconnectedness. Essentially proposing that all living beings are connected by a spiritual matrix of energy. This viewpoint aligns with certain scientific principles such as quantum entanglement, where particles can, and do influence each other, regardless of distance, and perhaps even time.

What is Spirituality Scientifically?

Science vs SpiritualityThe intersection of science and spirituality has led to the emergence of ‘scientific spirituality’. This discipline continues the exploration into spiritual experiences and phenomena through standards of scientific investigation. Many studies have been conducted on meditation, near-death experiences, and the effects of prayer on healing and wellbeing. There have even been empirical experiments to ascertain the ‘weight of the soul’. This research attempts to interpret the scientific evidence of these spiritual practices.

This sort of scientific approach to spirituality does not seek to prove or disprove the existence of a higher power, afterlife, or reincarnation. Instead, it aspires to understand the neurological, psychological, and also physiological processes connected to spiritual singularities.

When Science Meets Spirituality

Scientific spirituality bridges the gap between objective observation and the human subjective experience. It delves into a deeper understanding of the conscious, subconscious, and the interconnectedness of all living entities. Rather than dismissing spirituality as unscientific, it recognises the significance of the human experience and explores it through rigorous scientific inquiry.

So, it would seem that science and spirituality can indeed coexist. Incorporating both disciplines allows individuals to achieve a holistic perspective on life, spirituality, and the universe. Science preoccupies itself with the external, and spirituality dives into the internal so that together, they provide a more comprehensive understanding of our world. Through scientific spirituality, enlightened individuals continue the quest to decipher the perplexing knowledge that emerges at the combination of these seemingly divergent fields of study.

I believe that the first step is to stop looking for absolutes, and adhering to rigid rules. By allowing the impossible we often discover the probable. This is how science has progressed throughout history. Scientific certainty eludes those that chase it at the cost of all else.


Jo Roderick was born in 1969 and is believed to be human — although, there is no conclusive evidence! He proceeded to interpret and analyse the world around him, but never quite grew up. He was told at an early age he could not write so he did anyway. He claims that he can follow the plot of your average dictionary but further admits that he does have an odd sense of humour. He is an architect, amongst other things, and currently resides in Mexico.

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