Posted in Meditation and Mindfulness, Spirituality and Beliefs

13 Chakra System

The 13 Chakra System

Subpersonal and Transpersonal Chakras

Not many have heard of the 13 Chakra System. There isn’t that much information available, and for good reason. Everyone is looking for that one definitive chakra guide, but the truth is that it probably doesn’t exist, and here is why: The chakra system we know is largely made up by mankind, and therefore, everyone has a different opinion.

The Traditional 7 Chakra System
The Traditional 7 Chakra System

Traditionally, the seven chakras are aligned along the spine, but is there more than just this accepted chakra knowledge? If we look beyond the dogma and the commercial regurgitation, we begin to see that our current models come from the truth, but they are no longer the truth. They are human constructs.

In 2022, I got a spiritual prompt to attempt to explain all this in ‘human terms’, and I say in this fashion simply because this concept of the chakras only exists here on this plane. It’s not exactly a spiritual ‘thing’ as the soul has no need of these concepts, and has no corporeal body. Now in 2024, once again, I am being asked to write this companion article to my original live stream about the chakras, where I also did spiritual readings for people based on their chakra energies. The original live stream can be viewed below.

Closer to the Truth
Closer to the Truth

Before progressing to a more advanced discussion, it’s best to commence with a proper explanation of the chakras as we acknowledge them. With this in mind, this is an overview and not an in-depth look at each chakra. In the future, there may be a more comprehensive companion chakra guide, but it’s not finished. Since there is meagre information on the upper chakras, I need to spend time meditating on what is the correct knowledge to share on the subject.

What Are Chakras in the Body?

The name Chakra is derived from Sanskrit, and loosely translates to a ‘discus’ or ‘circle’, and represent the various spiritual energy centres. These are believed to regulate the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being. Some see them as interconnected spinning balls of energy, collectively affecting our lives. In understanding the different chakras, we recognise how maintaining balance and harmony within ourselves is vital.

What is Chakra Balancing?

A More Holistic Approach

Chakra balancing aims to restore harmony and equilibrium to our energy centres. It is thought that when the chakras become imbalanced or ‘blocked’, the effects manifest as physical afflictions, emotional disturbances, or diminished mental and spiritual capabilities. Meditative practices like Kundalini Yoga, Reiki, quiet meditation, and even working with crystals assist in realigning and balancing the individual’s chakras. Working with personal energies in this manner encourages well-being and vitality.

What is Chakra Meditation?

Chakra meditation requires that one works with the energies that are our very essence. Generally, this form of meditation consists of focusing on each chakra in sequence, moving up the body from root to crown chakras. Often, these meditations involve visualising each chakra’s associated colour and spiritual affirmations. During this process, we allow the energy to flow freely through the body.

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This practice not only promotes relaxation, but also enhances self-awareness, and facilitates chakra alignment. Through regular meditation, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of their aura’s energy, and promote overall well-being.

What Are the Chakra Colours?

One Energy That Flows.
One Energy That Flows

Contrary to popular believe, the chakra colours are a relatively new addition to the mix. In the early 1970s, Christopher Hills published Nuclear Evolution, and this was the first time the rainbow was associated with the chakras. There is no mention of this in the original, ancient Vedic texts.

Do the colours have a purpose nevertheless? The answer is yes, but think of it as a minor role in a chakra meditation. For those just embarking on the chakra voyage of discovery into energy manipulation, visualisation is beneficial. In other words, it helps a person to focus. It’s a way of keeping the brain on track. Imagining the various colours of the centres occupies the mind. Meditation is not about ‘not thinking’ or ‘emptying your mind’, but rather an exercise in controlling your thoughts.

How Many Total Chakras Are There in Human Body?

Modern New Age tradition says that there are 7 chakras in the body. There are other models, and minor chakras and energy centres, but for our purposes, we are sticking with the 7 major chakras. What is the 13 chakra system then? Well, the seven are the ‘personal’ chakras. These are the energy centres that reside within the physical body. Then we have the subpersonal chakras, and also the transpersonal Chakras

Subpersonal and Transpersonal Chakras

Subpersonal and Transpersonal Chakras

These chakras lie within our aura, so to speak, but outside the actual physical body. There is one subpersonal chakra below us in the earth, believed to anchor us to this physical plane. The rest that make up the 13 are above us in the ethereal space we call ‘spirit’. They are said to link us to the path of enlightenment. It serves as a gateway to the knowledge known to the soul, and helps to expand our state of awareness

For clarity, I am going to list all the chakras. I chose to number them beginning with zero because it fits around the model of the 7 chakras, and is less confusing to people new to this concept of the 13 chakra system. Please note that there may be some errors in original names and spelling as I have listed below. I am not an authority on the Vedic texts.

The 13 Chakras by Name

  • 0 – Earth Star (Vasundhara)
  • 1 – Root (Muladhara)
  • 2 – Sacral (Svadhisthana)
  • 3 – Solar Plexus (Manipura)
  • 4 – Heart (Anahata)
  • 5 – Throat (Vishuddha)
  • 6 – Third Eye (Ajna)
  • 7 – Crown (Sahasrara)
  • 8 – Soul Star (Sutara)
  • 9 – Spirit Star
  • 10 – Universal
  • 11 – Galactic
  • 12 – Divine Gateway
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A Spiritual Truth About Chakras

The first thing we must discuss is the profitable commercialisation of the New Age movement. It began as an enlightenment, and quickly became a profitable industry. Therefore, it’s become a new dogma that no one dares to challenge, and yet, we must.

The idea of separate centres of energy is invalid by true spiritual standards. It goes against the very holistic ideology that embraces the oneness of the matrix we call, ‘spirit’. The models of distinct chakras is a human construct. The truth is that the energy is one. Energy flows and isn’t confined to any particular chakra, personal or otherwise.

Therefore, the chakras that make up our ‘aura’ is one energy. It is the collective energy that makes you, you. It envelopes your body, and soul, and cradles it in the spirit. It is for this reason that the chakras are seen as centres of flowing energy. In aligning them, you are actually letting go of the idea of localised energy, and allowing it to flow. This is what is truly meant by an ‘open chakra’. There is no such thing as a closed or open chakra; only flow or lack of flow of energy.

The western model of the chakra system is a good place to start, but to evolve, you must move beyond the earthly models, and look at it in a holistic manner. All is one and one is all. All things that cease to flow, stagnate. When you focus on your chakras during a meditation, know that you are actually trailing the path of energy through your very being.

No single spot of energy controls any particular element or part of the whole. When we have a particular human ailment, the modern interpretation of the chakra system should be seen as simply a tool of focus. It encourages your mind to go to the source of the malady, and repair what ails you.

In closing, do not become earth bound in existing New Age dogma, but allow it to aid you in your path to enlightenment. This information has come to me via my remembering what my soul knows. I encourage you to seek a similar path with your journey.


View the original live presentation by clicking here. The On The Cards channel has more videos similar in nature. Alternatively, view the video embedded below.

Watch the video and give it a like.

Further Infomation:


Jo Roderick was born in 1969 and is believed to be human — although, there is no conclusive evidence! He proceeded to interpret and analyse the world around him, but never quite grew up. He was told at an early age he could not write so he did anyway. He claims that he can follow the plot of your average dictionary but further admits that he does have an odd sense of humour. He is an architect, amongst other things, and currently resides in Mexico.

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